The electoral reform has a strong influence on formation of the system, which brings positive changes in mid- and long-time perspective. It responds adequately to public demands concerning the change of individuals in power and the quality of elites in the elected bodies, public access to the governance, and fair and accessible rules of the election.
However, as long as the MPs were constantly putting off the reforming, Ukraine has lost an opportunity to make a comprehensive reform and codification of the election legislation. Ukrainian Parliament still has a time before the regular parliamentary elections at least to refuse from the parallel electoral system in favor of open-list proportional representation system.
It should also stick to the declared statements and responsibly take the recommendations from public experts and such reputable organizations as the Venice Commission and OSCE-ODIHR. In accordance with the international standards concerning the stability of the legislation before the election, and in line with logical preparations to the regular election, the decision should be taken before March 2018.
We are convinced that the following is a must for successful launch of electoral reform:
- Not to allow the organization of next parliamentary election under Yanukovych's law.
- Parliamentary factions and groups should decide which draft law they are ready to support, and publicly announce their positions.
- Conciliation Board should include the consideration of draft electoral laws into agenda of this session.
- The Verkhovna Rada should consider in the first reading the draft laws which concern parliamentary elections not later than October 2017.
However, the MPs should not forget about other important topics, which facilitate the realization of passive and active electoral rights of citizens:
- inevitability of punishment for crimes against electoral rights;
- proper organization of the election process by legitimate and timely reelected Central Election Commission.
Electoral reform is a set of changes and measures, aimed to protect the rights of citizens and guarantee fair election results. Non-governmental organizations are convinced that it's best to make a systemic reforming of electoral procedures, and are open to constructive cooperation.
The organizations, which have signed this statement, call on the MPs to use the last chance and adopt amendments to electoral legislation, or take political responsibility for the reforming failure. We would like to emphasize that it's necessary to reopen negotiations with experts concerning the changes in this sector.
Civil Network OPORA
Election Law Institute
Human Rights Platform
Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
Center for Political and Legal Reforms