Public discussion



A public discussion dedicated to the problems of corruption in Ukraine and its public evaluation will be held on 27th of January at 11:00 am – 01:00 pm. The event will be organized in the "CHASOPYS" creative space (3 L. Tolstogo St., Kyiv).

Kyiv International Institute of Sociology will present the results of a nationwide survey of public opinion on the most wide-spread corruption practices in Ukraine in 2015. The experts will also compare the findings revealed during four survey waves in 2007-2015. Based on monitoring data, panelists will discuss:

● Public assessment of corruption in Ukraine and effectiveness of anti-corruption measures;

● Changes in Ukrainians’ reaction to corruption and their vision of bodies responsible for preventing and combating corruption;

● Dynamics of real corruption experience in various areas of public services provided by the state as well as and in the local/regional dimension.

Participants invited to the event: NGO representatives, MPs, journalists and active citizens.

Date and time: 27th of January, 11:00 am – 01:00 pm

Place: "CHASOPYS" creative space  (3 L. Tolstogo St., Kyiv).

Contact person: Yurii Khorunzhyi, 0636160481.

Registration is obligatory and is open until 25th of January, 08:00 pm:

The number of participants is limited. A registration confirmation will be sent back to the guest's e-mail address.


Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), Pact in Ukraine, Civil Network OPORA

For information: The Survey  "Corruption in Ukraine. Comparative analysis of national studies: 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2015" was prepared by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology in coordination with Lake Research Partners and Karakoyun Strategies under the Ukraine National Initiatives to Enhance Reforms (UNITER), funded by USAID and implemented by Pact. National survey of public opinion on corruption in Ukraine was conducted during July-October 2015.