122 of 142 political parties, which had approved participation of their local cells in local elections, nominated candidates. However, activeness of parties varies from region to region. Such unequal representation also concerns parties which have parliamentary factions in the current Parliament. Petro Poroshenko Bloc nominated the highest number of candidates in multi-mandate election districts in all macro regions of Ukraine except for Donbas, where the Opposition Bloc has the highest number of candidates.


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Petro Poroshenko Bloc 'Solidarity' nominated the highest number of candidates in multi-mandate election districts in all macro regions of Ukraine except for Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts) compared to other parties. Thus, Opposition Bloc has the highest number of candidates in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. In Center, South, West and East of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko Block 'Solidarity' has the highest number of nominated candidates.

AUU Batkivshchyna takes the second place in Central, Western and Eastern Ukraine, 3rd place in Southern and only 4th place in Donbas.

Radical Party of Oleh Liashko takes the third place in Central Ukraine, 4th place in Western, 6th place in Southern, Eastern and Donbas.

Samopomich Union political party takes 7th place by the number of candidates in Donbas, and 9th place in Western Ukraine. Samopomich Union is on 19 place by the number of candidates in Southern Ukraine if compared to other parties, 15th in Eastern, and 12th in Central.

Opposition Bloc party nominated the highest number of candidates in Donbas (1 place), and takes the 2nd place in Southern regions, 4th in Central and 5th in Eastern. In Western Ukraine, Opposition Bloc takes 12th place by the number of candidates.

It should be mentioned that Civil Network OPORA has analyzed the number of candidates from parliamentary parties in 5 main macro districts: West (Volyn, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Chernivtsi oblasts), Centre (Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Poltava, Sumy, Khmelnytsk, Cherkasy, Chernihiv obalsts and Kyiv city), South (Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kherson oblasts), East (Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kharkiv oblast), Donbas: Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

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Civil Network OPORA conducts citizen observation of local elections in Ukraine, scheduled for 25 October 2015. Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action. 144 long-term observers were deployed to all Ukrainian regions on 5 September, and 3000 short-term observers will join them on the election day.