Civil Network OPORA initiated a joint statement on the impossibility of holding democratic elections without the sustainable peace. In less than a day, more than 250 non-governmental organizations of the national and local levels signed this document. The signees include the specialized associations working on socio-political issues; human rights movements; communities of internally displaced persons, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups; regional organizations, and ambassadors of the Ukrainian position internationally.

Clarification, 26.02.2025: During the week 400 NGOs signed the joint statement. 

It is impossible to hold elections in Ukraine during the next six months. This is a firm position of OPORA and other organizations, such as the National Interests Advocacy Network ANTS, Center for Policy and Law Reforms, Anti-Corruption Action Center, NGO “Civil holding “GROUP OF INFLUENCE”, Frontier Institute, ZMINA Human Rights Center, CHESNO Movement, Institute of Mass Information, Center for Economic Strategy, Kyiv School of Economics, NGO “Donbas SOS”, Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition and dozens of other Ukrainian civil society organizations. 

There is true consensus in Ukraine regarding the need to have elections no earlier than six months after the end of martial law, and this is supported by the government, opposition, and society. “Democracy in war time must be protected even more than during peace time because the cost of a mistake or loss of trust is extremely high,” the authors and singers of the statement believe. “Any peace process should take into account Ukraine's voice and a logical sequence of democratic steps for an election: 1) a sustainable ceasefire under the security guarantees of the guarantor countries; 2) proper preparation for elections and restoration of the relevant infrastructure; 3) holding elections after sustainable peace is achieved, martial law is lifted, and the war is settled internationally.”

The document states, “Just as the international standards for peaceful and post-conflict elections are no different, there is no other measure of democracy than the real access of citizens to govern their state through their representatives, legally elected in free and fair elections by secret ballot without intimidation or threats.”


The signees agree that it is Russia’s unprovoked act of aggression against a sovereign state which makes holding presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine impossible. From the point of view of the Constitution and Ukrainian legislation holding elections during martial law is prohibited, and the authorities continue to unceasingly and legitimately exercise their powers during this period. 

The authors of the document emphasize that the unstable security situation, the threats of shelling, the terrorist acts and sabotage, as well as landmines and unexploded ordnance throughout the territories create substantial obstacles at all stages of the electoral process: from the ballot delivery to the possibility of proper observation of electoral procedures, from free campaigning to potentially low voter turnout due to security threats. Moreover, Ukraine needs to ensure that millions of its citizens can vote, including those who had to flee abroad, internally displaced persons who have left their homes due to the destruction of cities and villages, and military personnel defending the country.

“The most significant challenge for electoral democracy in Ukraine is interference in this process by Russia, which will be ready to use any means to do so: from cyberattacks to direct voter bribery, from spreading disinformation and dividing society to discrediting candidates deemed “unacceptable” by Russian authorities and financing the campaigns of loyal politicians,” the statement says.

Summing their arguments up, the authors of the document highlight that elections in Ukraine must take place—but only after the war is over and sustainable peace is achieved. Security in postwar Ukraine must be seen as the primary precondition for any electoral process, while the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government is the exclusive prerogative of the Ukrainian people.