Five of 18 members of DEC #205 in Chernihiv worked in DEC #194 (Cherkasy oblast) in 2013 early elections, where self-nominated candidate Mykhailo Poplavskyi has won. Eight of 18 DEC members worked in election commissions of Kyiv or Cherkasy oblast, or even both. One member of DEC #205 worked in the corresponding commission #38 in Dnipropetrovsk oblast.

Thus, only one member of DEC #205 has worked in election commissions of Chernihiv oblast before. Two DEC members are members of city councils, and another two are voluntary assistants to current MPs of Ukraine. Civil Network OPORA has received these numbers after an automated processing of official CEC data and other online resources.

On 26 July 2015, by-election of an MP is to be held in single-member district #205 (Chernihiv city). Taking into consideration that this election campaign is highly competitive and resonant, Ukrainian and international community will follow it closely on the election day, Voters, members of election commissions, candidates, state authorities and law-enforcement in Ukraine will have to pass one more tests of correspondence to international electoral standards.

District Election Commission, which has an important role of securing legitimacy of elections, was created by the CEC on 3 June 2015. District Election Commission administers elections in a single-mandate district, creates PECs, tabulates voting results on a district level and fulfills other important functions.

On 26 July 2015, by-election of an MP are to be held in single-member district #205 (Chernihiv city). District Election Commission, which has an important role of securing legitimacy of elections, was created by the Central Election Commission (CEC) on 3 June 2015. District Election Commission administers elections in a single-mandate district, creates Precinct Election Commissions (PECs), tabulates voting results on a district level and fulfills other important functions.

Thus, the DEC #205 comprises representatives of political parties having parliamentary factions in the current Parliament (Petro Poroshenko Block, People's Front, Opposition Block, Samopomich Union, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, All-Ukrainian Union Batkivshchyna), and electoral subjects which participated in 2014 early parliamentary election. (Syla I Chest political party, All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, Bloc of Left-Wing Forces, Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block, Ukrainian Civil Movement, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, United Country, Syla Liudei, Liberal Party of Ukraine, Samopomich Union, Internet Party of Ukraine, Strong Ukraine party of Serhii Tihipko).

According to the legislation, one representative of each faction shall be included in DEC, and one more candidate can be submitted for participation in the draw of lots. Thus, the Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, and Samopomich Union have received the best representation in the DEC #205 – 2 representatives each. Other political parties have one representative each in the corresponding DEC.

Automated parsing of CEC resolutions on creation of district election commissions in the previous election process gave OPORA information about previous experience members of DEC #205 had in election administration. Besides that, the organization has investigated other aspects of their previous activities. For example, open data analysis has shown that only one member of the DEC #205 worked in the corresponding commissions of Chernihiv and/or Chernihiv oblast (not including information which cannot be processed by an automated parsing tool).

 3 of 13 members of DEC #205 worked as DEC members during various elections only in Cherkasy oblast. One member of the DEC worked only in Kyiv. 4 of 18 members worked both in Kyiv and in Cherkasy oblast.

Thus, eight of 18 DEC members worked in election commissions of Kyiv or Cherkasy oblast, or even both. One member of DEC #205 worked in the corresponding commission #38 in Dnipropetrovsk oblast.

Five of 18 members of DEC #205 (Chernihiv) worked in five problematic districts during 2013 repeated election, where voting results were not established in 2012. These members of DEC #205 had the same duties in election district #194 (Cherkasy) in 2013. We would like to remind that self-nominated candidate Mykhailo Poplavskyi received the seat in this district in 2013.

Two DEC members are members of city councils (Kyiv City Council and Kirov Raion in the City of Dnipropetrovsk Council), and another two are voluntary assistants to current MPs of Ukraine.

Civil Network OPORA calls on all members of DEC #205 (Chernihiv) to strictly adhere to the legislation, conduct the voting process on a due level and secure fair vote count. MPs of Ukraine, for their part, must refrain from making any pressure upon members of district election commission.

See a detailed review of experience that members of DEC #205 have in Table 1.


Two nominating entities are eligible to submit candidates for DEC membership in by-election of an MP: 1) any political party whose parliamentary faction is registered with the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of current convocation (not more than one nominee per party); 2) any electoral subject which has had MP candidates registered in the nationwide multi-mandate electoral district for the last parliamentary elections in Ukraine (not more than one nominee).

Thus, the following parliamentary factions have had a chance to nominate members for DEC #205: Petro Poroshenko Block, People's Front, Opposition Block, Samopomich Union, Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, All-Ukrainian Union Batkivshchyna; and 29 electoral subjects which has had MP candidates registered in the nationwide multi-mandate electoral district in 2014 early parliamentary elections in Ukraine. At the same time, MP candidates registered for this by-election didn't have a right or opportunity to nominate DEC members. According to the legislation, parliamentary factions shall have one representative in DEC membership each, but nominees from electoral subjects which has had MP candidates registered in the nationwide multi-mandate electoral district for the last parliamentary elections shall be selected to DEC membership through the draw of lots. The DEC has 18 members.

Experience that members of DEC #205 have in the corresponding election commissions. Other public information about DEC members.

Full name

Position in the DEC #205 (Chernihiv) and nominating entity

Previous experience in election commissions. Other public information about member of DEC #205

Punko Mykhailo Viktorovych

DEC Head, nominated by the Syla i Chest political party

  • 2014 Local elections (Kyiv). Member of Kyiv City Territorial Election Commission (nominated by the Party of Regions);
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Head of DEC #198 (nominated by the Ukraine - Forward political party);
  • 2013 Repeated parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Head of DEC #194 (nominated by the People's Initiative party)
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Head of DEC #222 (nominated by the Anarchists Union of Ukraine party);
  • 2010 Presidential Election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Head of DEC #215 (nominated by candidate Viktor Yanukovych);
  • 2004 Presidential Election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Head of DEC #215 (nominated by candidate Oleksandr Rzhavskyi);
  • 1998 Local elections (Kyiv). Member of Kyiv City Territorial Election Commission (nominated by the SDPU (u))
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #198 (nominated by the Party of Regions);
  • Voluntary assistant to MP of Ukraine Vladyslav Holub from Petro Poroshenko Block faction, elected in election district #197 (Cherkasy obl.)
  • 2013 Repeated parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.) Member of DEC #194 (nominated by the Patriotic Party of Ukraine);
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary election in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.) Deputy Head of DEC #195 (nominated by the Bratstvo political party);
  • 2010 Presidential Election in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #198 (nominated by candidate Viktor Yanukovych)
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk obl.). Member of DEC #38 (nominated by the Zeleni political party);
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk obl.). Member of DEC #38 (nominated by the Ukraine - Forward party)
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #198 (nominated by the AUU Batkivshchyna).
  • Member of Kirov Raion in the City of Dnipropetrovsk Council, elected in 2010, nominated by the Party of Regions.

Levchuk Anna Vitaliivna

Deputy Head of the DEC, nominated by the All-Ukrainian Union Batkivshchyna, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation.


Kuzyk Petro Mykolaiovych

DEC Secretary, nominated by AUU Svoboda

since 2014. Member of Kyiv City Council, member of AUU Svoboda.

Artemenko Serhii Viktorovych

DEC member, nominated by the Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation

2012 Regular parliamentary election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Head of DEC #214 (nominated by the People's Party faction);

2014 Candidate #197 on the election list of the Petro Poroshenko Block in early parliamentary elections in Ukraine. On the moment of being nominated: Deputy Director General at LAW FIRM «IP&C CONSULT» LLC

Bunianin Mykola Mykolaiovych

DEC member, nominated by the Solidarity Petro Poroshenko Block


Hrynyshak Mykola Mykhailovych

DEC member, nominated by the Bloc of Left-Wing Forces

There is no information about previous work experience in election commissions.

Derlemenko Serhii Ihorovych

DEC member, nominated by the Samopomich Union

There is no information about previous work experience in election commissions.

Zharko Serhii Anatoliiovych

DEC member, nominated by the Ukrainian Civil Movement party


Kobets Iryna Anatoliivna

DEC member, nominated by the Internet Party of Ukraine


Kornilov Oleksii Oleksiiovych

DEC member, nominated by the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko


Lazar Serhii Ihorovych

DEC member, nominated by the People's Front party, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation.

There is no information about previous work experience in election commissions.

Novykov Valerii Oleksandrovych

DEC member, nominated by the Syla Liudei

There is no information about previous work experience in election commissions.

Rohachov Oleh Oleksandrovych

DEC member, nominated by the Yedyna Kraina party

  • 2014 Early presidential election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Member of DEC #215 (nominated by candidate Petro Poroshenko).
  • 2013 Repeated parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #194 (nominated by the Raiduha green environmental party)
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #194 (nominated by the Anarchists Union of Ukraine political party);
  • 2010 Presidential Election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Member of DEC #215 (nominated by candidate Viktor Yanukovych);
  • 2013 Repeated parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #194 (nominated by the Vitchyzna party);
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Member of DEC #222 (nominated by the Bratstvo party).
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Chernihiv obl.). Member of DEC #205 (nominated by the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko);
  • 2014 Early presidential election in Ukraine (Chernihiv obl.). Deputy Head of DEC #208 (nominated by candidate Vasyl Kuibida);
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Chernihiv obl.) Member of DEC #205 (nominated by the Ukrainian People's Party).
  • 2014 Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Kyiv). Member of DEC #222 (nominated by the Ukrainian Platform Sobor party), became the Head of this commission by the quota of the Party of Pensioners of Ukraine;
  • 2013 Repeated parliamentary elections in Ukraine (Cherkasy obl.). Member of DEC #194 (nominated by the Youth Party of Ukraine).
  • 2012 Regular parliamentary election in Ukraine (Kyiv). Member of DEC #222 (nominated by the Our Ukraine - People's Defense faction).

Roshe Filip Hennadiiovych

DEC member, nominated by the Opposition Block party, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation


Solomakha Serhii Vasyliovych

DEC member, nominated by the Radical Party of Oleh Liashko, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation


Tymoshenko Viktoriia Viktorivna

DEC member (nominated by the Liberal Party of Ukraine)


Tokalenko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych

DEC member, nominated by the Strong Ukraine party of Serhii Tihipko.

There is no information about previous work experience in election commissions.

Khonich Olha Petrivna

DEC member, nominated by the Samopomich Union party, which deputy faction is registered in the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of current convocation

Voluntary assistant to MP of Ukraine Anna Romanova, member of the Samopomich Union faction.