Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers are mostly focused on adherence to Law requirements concerning personal reception of citizens, their work in the district, functioning of receptions etc.

This report covers activities of three majoritarian MPs in Zakarpattia oblast: Robert Horvat (SMD #68), Vasyl Petiovka (SMD #72) and Ivan Baloha (SMD #73).

Horvat Robert Ivanovych works in his constituency non-systematically, don't cooperate with the voters and, despite he is open for outer communication, he doesn't inform the public about results of his activities. The MP haven't had any personal reception hours during the observation period. He has participated in one public event which wasn't directly related to his parliamentary activities, but aimed rather to boost his image by attending it. The voters usually appeal to the MP through his reception office which functions properly and systematically, and conveys the latest information from the voters. Assistants to the MP, who are available in the reception, can provide information about his activities in person or by phone. However, to provide information about the nearest plans of the MP, they need to contact him personally for specifications. It should be mentioned that assistants are open for communication and ready to provide full information through means and within dates that are convenient for an inquirer. However, the MP didn't inform the voters about the results of his activities, about his current tasks and plans for the next period. There is no information about the MP in the media, as well as on official information pages of the party or personal pages in social networks. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #68 at:

Petiovka Vasyl Vasyliovych didn't have personal reception hours during the observation period, and didn't participate in public events with citizen involved. Assistants to the MP are taking care of all his work, represent him on public events, greet the people on his behalf and hand over valuable presents. The MP doesn't have any reception offices in the district. The only permanent reception is located in the city of Mukachevo, which belongs to district #69, and is around 100 kilometers away from his district. The reception is located in the premises of oblast organization of the United Centre party and doesn't have any signs saying it's MP's reception office.

To receive information about activities and contact information of MP's office, an inquirer must wait for 1-3 days while assistants to the MP specify the requested information and send by e-mail. The MP hasn't provided any information about his activities to the voters during the observation period. Two notices about his inquiries to the state authorities are all information messages of the MP. Moreover, there is no information about requests of these inquiries. It should be mentioned that activities of the MP are covered by some raion news sites and their communal newspapers. They usually inform about MP's assistance as a benefactor, and his greetings on various holidays. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #72 at:

Ivan Baloha didn't receive the voters personally during the observation period but, according to his assistant, he visited a secondary school and a nursery school in the village of Pidvynohradiv, as well as the meeting of Pidvynohradiv Village Council. However, there was no public announcement about his visit, and it wasn't provided in his reception office or by his assistants. Besides that, we didn't manage to find any public information about MP's participation in these events.

The MP doesn't provide any information about his work plans for the nearest period. Assistants to MP doesn't have any information about his schedule for the nearest dates, planned meetings with the voters or collectives in institutions/organizations, place and time of personal reception, and opportunity of making an appointment even on days scheduled by the Parliament to work in constituencies. Employees in his reception also don't have any information about personal reception hours scheduled.

The MP hasn't provided any information about his activities to the voters. OPORA's observers haven't noticed in the media any information about MP's activities in the election district, his achievements in law-making, or attitude to the situation in the country or in constituency. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #73 at: