Civil Network OPORA continues informing you about observation results of MPs' constituency activities. OPORA's observers are mostly focused on adherence to Law requirements concerning personal reception of citizens, their work in the district, functioning of receptions etc.

This report covers activities of three majoritarian MPs in Zhytomyr oblast: Borys Rozenblat (SMD #62), Volodymyr Lytvyn (SMD #65) and Viktor Razvadovskyi (SMD #67).

Borys Rozenblat comes to the SMD #62 once in two weeks, personally receives citizens, takes part in official events dedicated to national holidays etc. The MP has one official public reception, which is functioning according to its schedule and provides any necessary information. Although the MP hasn't filed any parliamentary inquiries, he has submitted 3 draft laws concerning the Supreme Council of Justice, development of industrial parks and state guarantees to territorial communities. Local media provide a comprehensive coverage of his activities. Besides that, Borys Rozenblant actively uses social networks and has official website and personal YouTube channel. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #62 at:

Volodymyr Lytvyn had visited the district #65 twice for the reporting period: in the beginning of May to participate in the Victory and Memory Day celebration and in the end of May to personally receive citizens and participate in celebration of the last day in secondary schools. The MP has submitted two inquiries to local self-government bodies and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the closure of a school in the district. He has also introduced a draft law concerning the information about the ultimate owner of a legal entity. The politician uses social networks actively and is one of those few MPs who have reported for the last month of their work. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #65 at:

Viktor Razvadovskyi has visited his district #67 on 30 May 2015 for the first time since his election. He received citizens personally in the local city council and opened a football contest for veterans. The MP has submitted seven parliamentary inquiries in May, and all of them concerned the solution of problems in the district. For example, inquiries concerned repairs of a military unit premises, housing fund in the district, local road, and allocation of land shares. Besides that, the MP has submitted bills initiating withdrawal of the current Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine and Minister of Agrarian Policy. Although the MP is usually away from the district, his activities are widely covered by local printed media – almost each issue of raion newspapers provides information about Viktor Razvadovskyi. (You can find detailed information about the SMD #67 at: