Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research, Election Law Institute, Internews-Ukraine, OPORA, Regional Press Development Institute in the partnership with the Reanimation Package of Reforms supported by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) invite interested parties to participate in a public discussion titled Key electoral procedures: reforming directions.

We will focus on issues topical for all elections:

How do election commissions should be formed? How to realize the principle of equality for parties in the commission formation process? How to guarantee a high professionalism of commission members while the election law is not stable? How to guarantee an honest tabulation of votes? How to organize the functioning of election commissions if different types of elections are held simultaneously? Which changes in organization of vote count and election commissions' functioning are expected this year already as a result of election law reform?

The discussion will be divided into two blocks:

  1. Formation of election commissions and organization of their functioning: foreign experience and search for the best option for Ukraine.
  2. Voting and tabulation of votes: new approaches.

We invite everyone interested to discuss there and other issues with participants of the public discussion to be held on 21 April from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Triumphal hall of the Hotel Kyiv at the address: Kyiv city, 26/1 Hrushevskoho St. The registration starts at 9:30 a.m.

Main speakers are highly experienced in election administration and development of election procedures: members of the CEC and election commissions, representatives of political parties' headquarters, members of the Electoral Issues Group from the Reanimation Package of Reforms, representatives of international organizations working on democratic and electoral issues – OSCE, Venice Commission Secretariat.

Willing to participate? Contact analyst of the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research Kovalenko Mariia, at 093 455 61 25 or [email protected].

Registration is a must:  Apply for registration till 4 p.m. on 20 April.