Andrii Denysenko's placards contain his quotation "Together towards the victory of Ukraine", and appeals related to the anti-terroristic operation. Oleksii Cheberda's placards contain his photo, surname, name, electoral slogans, and logo of the Batkivshchyna party. Advertising placards belonging to Oleksii Cheberda can be seen not only the SMD #26, but also in other city districts.

Both candidates failed to include the mandatory reference data on their advertising and, apparently, used money from other sources that electoral funds, provided by the Law.

Denysenko and Cheberda were nominated as MP candidates during party congresses on September 14. On 23 September, the CEC registered Oleksii Cheberda, but campaigning ads were still there on 25 September.

Head of the District Election Commission #26 L.V. Katsapova promised to take measures after OPORA's observer appealed.

 Dnipr Agit ne z vibor fondu 4

 Dnipr Agit ne z vibor fondu 1

According to the Article 68(6) of the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine: Election campaigning shall be paid for from the resources of the State Budget of Ukraine allocated for support for election campaigning in accordance with this Law and from the electoral funds of parties and MP candidates in single­mandate election districts. MP candidates registered in the nationwide election district may carry out election campaigning only at the expense of the resources of the electoral fund of the party that nominated them. The use of those MP candidates’ own funds or funds derived from other sources to carry out election campaigning, including on the voters’ initiative, shall be prohibited.

According to the Article 31(2.2) of the Law of Ukraine on Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine: The DEC exercise control, within the respective single-mandate election district, of compliance with and uniform application of the legislation on the election of MPs by the voters; precinct election commissions and their members; state executive bodies, state bodies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and local self-government bodies, their officials, enterprises, establishments, institutions and organizations and their officials; mass media organizations, their owners, officials and production personnel; MP candidates; parties, their representatives and authorized persons; proxies of MP candidates in single-mandate election districts, official observers, and non-governmental organizations;

For comment, please contact:
Anna Dziura,
Press-secretary of the Civil Network OPORA in Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing electoral violations through comprehensive civic action.
Starting from September 2014, Civil Network OPORA conducts a large-scale observation of special parliamentary elections in Ukraine. The organization will attract 213 long-term observers in every region of Ukraine to monitor the campaign from its official start to announcement of the final election results. On the Election Day on May 26, more than 2,000 activists will join them to conduct statistically-based parallel vote tabulation.