The widespread problem during repeated election on December 15 was unregulated attendance of irrelevant persons on polling stations, who had indirectly put commission members under the pressure. Such information was reported by representatives of the Civil Network OPORA during the press-conference titled "Elections in 5 districts: summary of the Election Day".

According to OPORA observers, who were present at polling stations, the incidents involving the presence and pressure of irrelevant persons were noticed in 34% of polling stations in the district #94, in SMD #223 – 16%, SMD #197 – 11%, SMD #194 – 10% of precincts.

Observers of the network reported irrelevant persons attempting to unlawfully interfere in activities of election commissions. Besides that, groups of unauthorized people, who were staying near district election commissions or moving between stations, even worsened the situation. Thus, in district #223, OPORA observers noticed that athletic-looking young men were staying near polling stations #801023 and 801024. They announced that they secure the control over public order. Nearly a hundred of persons were staying around the DEC #132 for unknown purposes. They were on duty near the commission, and explained to observers of OPORA that their mission is to watch the conduction of fair elections. Such activities resulted in escalation of election tensions in Pervomaisk city, Mykolaiv oblast.

Besides that, OPORA observers detected unknown persons standing near some polling stations, who were probably controlling the voters. These people had unofficial lists of citizens, who vote in the certain polling stations, and their detailed contact information. Taking into consideration that preparation of numerous voter bribery schemes was reported by reliable sources, such activities may be aimed to control voters who received monetary incentives.

Violation of the voting secrecy became another widespread problem of the voting day, which was numerously reported by observers. In particular, similar incidents were detected in 17% of polling stations in district #94; 16% of polling stations in district #223; 11% of polling stations in district #197; and 10% of polling stations in district #194.

Organized transportation of voters, issuance of ballot papers without previous passport verification, and photographing of ballot papers became the other widespread violations during the election day. In particular, transportation of voters was reported in 8% of polling stations in district #94; and ballot papers were photographed in 10% of polling stations in district #223. 

Fortunately, the problems connected to the organization of voting and vote count didn't bring irrevocable consequences. During the conduction of voting and vote count, precinct election commissions have mostly secured the implementation of legislative requirements, and minimal standards of electoral process. According to the assessment of OPORA observers, mistakes and abuses, committed by members of PECs, were not all-embracing.

OPORA denotes that law enforcement bodies were inactive despite they had all legal possibilities to reveal initiators and executors of the voter bribery in districts #194 and 223. In result, voter bribery remained unpunished, what have gravely influenced the election results.

OPORA denotes that the election day was tense for all subjects of the election process due to the threat of intrusion by organized groups of unauthorized persons, and passivity of law enforcement agencies.

OPORA is also uneasy about biased treatment of official observers from civic organizations by some members of PECs, who tried to put pressure upon them. Besides that, OPORA is worried about the incidents of physical intervention into activities of observers and journalists, reported during repeated elections on December 15, 2013.











For comment, please contact:

Olha Aivazovska,
Electoral and Political Programs Coordinator,
063 617 97 50,   [email protected] 
On December 15, 2013 repeated parliamentary elections in 5 single-member districts were held. Observers of Civil Network OPORA have organized quantitative and qualitative analysis of the course of election day and the parallel vote tabulation in 3 districts (#223, 194, 132). In two other districts, the qualitative data was collected to prepare an interim monitoring report. The observation was also conducted by 16 mobile groups.