In electoral district 121, which is in Lviv Oblast, official observers and authorised persons of the participants of the electoral process — the All-Ukrainian Unions Svoboda and Fatherland — prevented election fraud attempt in favour of the Party of Regions in the national electoral district.

The reason for the requirement to check the compliance of data in the protocols of all precinct election commissions of the district with the information entered on the CEC website was the detection of discrepancy of data from some polling stations, published at the website of the Central Election Commission, with the data in the stamped protocols received by observers after the vote counting.

According to the check of election protocols, fraud in favour of the Party of Regions was detected in 44 protocols among 143 polling stations of the district. Administrative employee of the DEC who entered the data to the CEC website, having conspired with several members of the DEC, added a few votes (mostly from 2 to 20 voters per station) to the Party of Regions. After the check, data at the CEC website has been corrected according to the protocols of precinct election commissions. As a result, the percentage of votes obtained by the PR in the district 121 decreased by approximately from 4.4 to 4.02%.

We assume that this method of fraud has been used in most districts of Lviv Oblast and Western Ukraine in general. At first glance, a small number of stolen votes can make several percent in total, and that is several deputies in the Parliament. If such fraud scheme was used in Lviv Oblast one can only guess how many voters have been stolen in other oblast of Ukraine, especially in the east and in the south, where the Party of Regions and its self-nominated candidates who supported it have won,

Petro Chornii, Long-term observer of the Civil Network OPORA in ED No.121

For more details
Andrii Dutchak
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Elections Observation Campaign in Lviv Oblast
063 628 68 44


Civic monitoring conducted by OPORA - is a type of network activity, aimed at impartial assessment of the preparation and conduct of elections, as well as preventing violations through comprehensive civic action. Professional monitoring at all stages of the election process indirectly influences the quality of the campaign. The public opinion, both foreign and domestic is formed through gathering and spreading of information among the target audience.