OPORA news digest as of 7 pm

OPORA observers and PEC members are under pressure in Donetsk oblast

PEC members illegally removed OPORA observers from the polling stations #141971 (district #41) and # 141812 (district #44) with the help of law enforcement officers. Observers at those PS revealed attempts of unknown people to vote multiple times.

In the district #44, pressure was put on observers of All-Ukrainian NGO Committee of Voters of Ukraine, acting within the all-Ukrainian observation of the Civil network OPORA. Violations recorded at the PS # 141812 (Kuprina str., 156) and #141771 (Ostrovskogo str., 29). OPORA observers were threatened after they noticed that some people were voting several times. Observers addressed PEC members, asking to review documents of those voters, they, however, refused. Afterwards, at the polling station # 141812, an observer from Party of Regions threatened a journalist from Tochka OPORA. Similar situation with threats towards OPORA observers was at the polling station #141771.

An official observer from an independent candidate, Volodymyr Poddybnyy, claimed being threatened by unknown people at the polling station #140704 (the district # 52, Dzerzhynsk city). He said that after going outside to breathe fresh air, a black car arrived. An unknown person went out of that car, showed some IDs and started threatening. The observers got scared and left the PS. Similar incident recorded in the same district. At the polling station # 140 708 (Sverdlova str., 49), reporter of the newspaper "Chistaya Pravda" saw the head of the election commission going out the PS. The journalist also went out and saw that the head of the commission were talking with two men who went out of a black car. Then, one of those men approached the reporter and asked to show her identification, and then took the document away and tore it. The second men showed a pack of unknown documents and said "Go and call observers, let others go out." The reporter got scared left the polling station.

One of the most problematic polling stations in Donetsk was the PS #141626, in Budyonisvkyi rayon. Not only the ballots were burning and the safe had to be opened with the grinder, but also there were many other scandals. From the early morning, there were attempts to take the head of the commission, Natalya Kofanova, of this position. The first reason was the lost keys from the safe. According to Kofanova, the pressure continued even after finding the keys. “They demanded that I gave the stamp to the secretary of the commission,” says Kofanova. “A tall men in black shades claimed that I was drunk. Later I was told that he was a deputy head of the executive committee.” Kofanova was accused of keeping stamp in the pocket, being constantly outside the PS and going through the halls. However, Kofanova believes that all these actions were aimed at not letting her prevent frauds at the PS.  “Recently, a man was coming to me, offering money for me “getting sick” on the day of elections, or doing renovation. He showed money in hands, so I do not exactly what sum of money he had. Later, it turned into threats.”

Sumy oblast: Voters receive calls from the headquarters of one of the candidates

In Sumy from number 066 735 15 a girl calls voters and asks them to come and vote for a self-nominated candidate in SMD 157 Anatoliy Yepifanov. This fact was reported to an observer from OPORA by a voter.

To verify the information, we made a call to the specified number, indicating that we had several missed calls.

She said:

  •  It was me who called you. I am from the headquarters of Anatoliy Yepifanov. I wanted to remind you that it is Election Day today. If you have not yet voted, please, go to your polling station and vote.

Zaporizhzhya: Ballots on the polling station #231001 may be recognized as invalid

The long-term observer of OPORA for the SMD # 76 Tetiana Erokhina received the information that the ballots in one polling station did not get the stamp mark "withdrawn" against Ukrainian Republican Party "Sobor".

 The Head of PEC Vasyl Drykalo said that there might be about four hundred ballots, and they may be considered invalid. According to Article 92 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Election of People's Deputies the precinct election commission may declare the ballots void.

At other polling stations of the SMD 76, where other OPORA observers work such facts were not recorded.

A source in the DEC says that there are three problematic polling stations in this district, one of which is № 231001.

As the deputy chairman of the CEC Zhanna Usenko-Chorna says similar incidents occurred not only in Zaporizhzhya oblast, but in most regions of Ukraine.


Zaporizhia: In Inzovka Man Cast Ballot in Box Along with Lists

At station No.230511 in Inzovka of Prymorske Raion of Zaporizhia Oblast (TED No.81), a voter mistakenly took a ballot along with the list of voters and cast everything in a ballot box. According to OPORA long-term observer in this district Svitlana Lazurenko, due to this unexpected situation, the box was stamped; the PEC is currently waiting for the decision of the district commission. So far, the voters from the list that was mistakenly cast in the box, can't vote.

Mykolayiv Oblast: Difference between Information of Observers and Commission Increased to 120 Persons at PEC No.480771

At PEC No.480771 (district 127), OPORA observer, together with the CPU observer, as of 5.35pm counted around 630 voters who participated in the voting. However, according to the commission, 120 people more voted.

As OPORA has reported earlier, as of 11.45am, this difference amounted to 51 persons. 

According to other observers, no similar incidents have been recorded at other stations of the oblast.

Ternopil Oblast: People Couldn't Find Themselves in Lists Because of PEC Head

At the electoral district No.163, station 611163, 14 persons didn't find themselves on voter lists. Although the people have previously submitted statements for their inclusion into the lists as they are registered and reside at the following address, declare OPORA observers. This station is situated in the halls of residence of Ternopil Combine Plant; accordingly, those who need to vote are residents of the halls. Despite the fact that Ternopil citizens, having checked if they were on the voter lists, and not having found their surnames, submitted relevant statements to the Head of the PEC, who is a representative of the Party of Regions, within the statutory period, the situation hasn't changed. There was a belated response of the Head of the PEC. Since he had to submit the surnames to the lists until 19 October, and did it only on 23 October.

Lviv Oblast: Ceremonial Election in Brody Raion

At the station in the village of Leshniv of Brody Raion, the Election Day started with a ceremony. Commission members sang the anthem accompanied by bayan, and voters who voted for the first time this year cited a poem which says that everyone should perform his civil duty and vote. 18-year-old voters voted first, and then other residents of the village. Also, a wedding cortège, who was celebrating in the nearby café, visited the station. The newlyweds and groomsmen, in festive attire, voted and received gifts right at the station. 

Ternopil Oblast: More People than on Lists Voted in Mental Hospital

In district No.163 in Ternopil, in the Oblast Psychiatric Hospital, Chief Physician didn't submit the lists of patients to the PEC. The commission formed the lists of those who will vote in the institution according to the submission of department heads of the hospital, claim OPORA observers. As a result, the list contained 280 persons when as of 4pm, 360 patients have already voted. For this station, around 800 ballots were provided, which almost equals the number of beds in the hospital. 

Ivano-Frankivsk: Voters Confuse Real Oleksandr Sych with Clone

In Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, people get confused with ballots. As it was reported to OPORA, a senior woman felt ill after the voting when she found out that she had voted “for the wrong Sych”. At the electoral district No.83 (centre — Ivano-Frankivsk), cases were recorded when the voters confused candidates with the surname Sych in the ballot, informs the CVU. “Some filed an application for ballot replacement, some didn't,” said Head of the CVU in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast Yurii Lysiuk. Today, in Ivano-Frankivsk, at station 260880, a commission member handing out ballots was pointing out to each voter that in the ballot, there were two Sychs — Volodymyrovych and Maksymovych, and reminding that the latter was real. The observers took a formal note of violation.

Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast: OPORA Detected Disappearing Ink Pens in Yaremche and Nadvirna

According to OPORA, pens with the ink which disappears 20 after writing appeared at the stations of Yaremcha and Nadvirna. At station No.261025, three pens were found in the hall next to the entrance to the station. 5 minutes after, what was written in them began to fade, and in 20 minutes disappeared completely. In Nadvirna, at station No.260476, the same pen was found next to the station.

Volhynia: In Horokhiv Raion Voters Voted Twice

 In the village of Borochyche of Horokhiv Raion (ED No.07014), two voters voted twice. OPORA observers recorded that two voters voted twice at the station. Indeed, they noticed that one man voted in the afternoon, and then, sometime later, came to the station again where he was given another ballot. Another voter — a women — did the same. The commission member didn't respond to the question of the observer if he thought those people had already voted.

Mykolaiv city: at PEC #480771 difference between the data of observers and commission increased to 120 people

As at 17.35 at PEC #480771 (voting district #127) observers from OPORA together with the observer from the Communist Party of Ukraine counted around 630 voters, who took part in the elections. However, according to the information of the commission, the number of voters is 750. As it was reported earlier, at 11.45 the difference was 51 people. Other observers claim that there are no such incidents at other polling station of this oblast.

Lviv city: An observer from the candidate massively draws up protocols on violations

During the day at the polling station #462115 (voting district #118) observer from the candidate Bohdan Dubnevych managed to draw up more than seven protocols on non-existent violations. If the official observers from political parties, candidates and NGOs recod a violation at the polling station, they are empowered to draw up the acts on violations. These acts are transfered to the Head of commission and he is suggested to solve the problems. However, at the polling station, which is situated on 23 Lincoln Street, an official observer from the candidate B.V. Dubnevych draws up protocols on the violations, which were detected only by him and which did not take place at the polling station. He has already managed to write more than seven acts. Observers of the Civil Network OPORA, who are present at this polling station, report that this man does not inform the commission about these violations and only presents them in a written form. Also, he engages unknown people as witnesses. In order to sign the last protocol, the unknown person came to the polling station, signed it and went away. We remind that voter has a right to be present at polling station only during the time needed to exercise his voting right (Part 4 Article 85 of the Law on the Elections of People Deputies). Members of the election commission are not informed about the acts written by Dubynevych's observer. Observers of the Civil Network OPORA drew up a protocol on the violation, based on the presence of the unknown person at the polling station and at the moment are preparing an application to PEC on the issue of violation.

Kyiv city: Dweller of a house on Lisovyi Prospect did not find her polling station


Citizen of Desnianskyi rayon of Kyiv city did not find her house in the voter's list 

Dweller of the house on 6 Lisovyi Prospect could not find her house in the voter's lists of PEC #800317. This was the polling station the woman received the invitation from. The day before the election she checked whether her name is on the voter's list and wrote an application regarding the misspelling of her surname. At the same time, during the Election Day none of the dwellers of her house was on the list. The members of commission advised her to go to the neighboring polling station #800318. From the polling station #800318 she was sent to the station #800319.

At the same time, according to the information on the web site of the Central Election Commission, the dwellers of the house situated on 6 Lisovyi Prospect are voting at the polling station #800317.

Kyiv region: Unknown "technical" service employees suddenly appeared at DEC #97 

At the District Election Commission #97 "work" twenty young men of athletic appearance with badges "technical service employee". 

When they were asked to provide an ID or any other document proving their right to be present at DEC, observer of the Civil Network OPORA did not receive any answer. 

During the whole day neither journalists nor authorized representatives of the candidates could find out how the number of employees of technical service was increased at DEC #97. The Head of election commission and its members do not give any explanations.

The votes of 300 people were wasted because of the mistakes made by the members of PEC

Observers of the Civil Network OPORA recorded manipulation of voting ballots in the villages of the voting district #154. Members of the precinct election commission in Boremel and Naberezhna villages of Demydiv rayon failed to put a stamp "Removed" in front of Sobor party on ballots in the multi-mandate constituency. The mistake was noticed in the afternoon. At that time, about 300 people have already voted in two villages.

According to the election laws, absence of a stamp indicating that a subject of the election process was removed from the list is a legal ground to consider this ballot invalid. Thus, the votes of 300 people were wasted because of the mistakes made by the members of the PEC.

The Heads of precinct election commissions refused to comment on this situation in front of the camera. However, during the unofficial conversation, they said that the District election commission did not notify them about the withdrawal of Sobor party in advance. Heads of the DEC also claimed that at PEC they were assured that the votes of these citizens will not be lost. According to their statement, only the ballots where the tick is put in front of Sobor party will be considered invalid.

400 more ballots will not be counted in district #154

Another violation was reported by UDAR party representatives from polling station in Demydiv rayon. According to information, provided by subjects of the election process, in Boremel and Naberezhne villages, voters were receiving ballots without stamps containing information about the polling station. According to the legislation, the absence of a stamp on ballot may be a cause for considering it valid. 400 such ballots were noticed on two polling stations. Thus, because of mistake of the commission, these votes will not be counted.

Falsifications at polling stations in Rivne city

OPORA observers received information that marked people are working in polling stations of the district #152 in Rivne. Observers were notified, that people wearing bright blue or turquoise clothes are noticed in different PECs. During the verification of received information observers noticed some individuals in membership of the certain commissions which fitted the given description. In four of nine verified polling stations were noticed people wearing bright blue cloths. At the same time, on one of the polling stations, which is located in Rivne educational complex "College", three falsifications were noticed. Two citizens who came to the polling station have noticed that some unknown persons have already votes instead of them. Another citizen of the oblast center nave noticed a name of his son in the list of citizens which have voted, although his son says that he hasn't voted yet.

An MP candidate is "feeding" members of the PEC

The district election commission #195 in Cherkasy city was visited today by an MP candidate, member of the Party of Regions, which is standing as a self-nominated candidate in the district, Volodymyr Zubyk and some of his young assistants. They delivered some packages with food for members of the DEC. Packages consisted of bread, mineral voter etc.

The Civil Network OPORA considers these actions to be indirect voter bribery. According to the Article 74 (13) of the Law of Ukraine "On Elections of People’s Deputies of Ukraine”, which forbids campaigning which includes giving voters, institutions, establishments or organizations money or goods, for free or on preferential terms(with exception of goods, with pictures, names, symbols, party flags, if such goods cost less than three percent from minimal wage), services, securities, credits, lotteries, and other material values. Such election campaigning, or providing to the voters, establishments, institutions, organizations any costs or goods, services, works, services, securities, credits, lotteries, and other material values for free or on preferential terms, with calls or suggestions to vote or not to vote for the certain candidate, or mentioning his name, is a voter bribery.

Cherkasy oblast: The PEC "served" 60 voters which are voting at their place of residence during one hour

Members of the Precinct election commission #710510 in Balakleia city in Smiliansk rayon of Cherkasy oblast (DEC #198) have managed to visit sixty voters which are voting at their place of residence only during one hour. In other words, when visiting 60 persons, they were spending 1 for every voter.

The court in Khmelnytsk have banned peaceful assemblies

In Khmelnytsk, from 28 October to 11 November the court prohibited holding any peaceful assemblies. Such decision was taken by Khmelnytsk district administrative court by a claim from Khmelnytsk City Council against the Astreya NGO. Therefore, during two weeks starting from the Voting day on the Ukrainian Parliamentary elections, any peaceful assembly consisting of initiative groups, NGOs and political parties both opposition and pro-power are prohibited.

It's interesting, that court proceedings started unofficially at 23.00 on Saturday, on the eve of the Election Day. The suitor appealed to the court in 35 minutes before that, and nobody from defendant's side has come. The proceedings ended at 23.30.

It was an answer given by local government to an appeal of the NGO about the beginning of termless peaceful action "Protect our choice". Tents, sound equipment and display screens were planned to be placed on yards in front of District election commissions and in some crowded places of the oblast center.

The court has decided, that conduction of such actions would hinder the work of District commissions and limit access to buildings for its members and other subject of the election process, besides that, it would prevent sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.