Product sets from an MP candidate were disseminated in Olevsk (single-member ED #64). This fact was noticed by observers of the Civil Network OPORA
OPORA's hotline received information that on 23 October in Olevsk city at the address Lenin St. 10, unknown people on three vehicles debussed product sets from an MP candidate Volodymyr Pehov, nominated in district #64 by the Party of Regions. And on 24 October on the same place observers witnessed the dissemination itself (see pictures).
Eyewitnesses say, that packages are disseminated on Lenin St. almost every day. It was easy to determine which candidate is behind this: one day, packages were marked by a logo of Polissya Revival movement, headed by Velodymyr Pekhov, and on the next day - without marking but of the same content.
Product sets included a kilo of buckwheat, rice, sugar, noodles, and one liter of oil. Such pre-electoral product set is being distributed in Ovruch, Luhansk, and Korosten rayons during the last month.
OPORA reminds, that that indirect voter bribery is a violation of the Article 74 (13) of the Law of Ukraine "On Elections of People’s Deputies of Ukraine”, which forbids campaigning which includes giving voters, institutions, establishments or organizations money or goods, for free or on preferential terms(with exception of goods, with pictures, names, symbols, party flags, if such goods cost less than three percent from minimal wage), services, securities, credits, lotteries, and other material values.