Candidates for People's Deputy keep providing free services and “grant” money to their voters.

According to Darnytsia Headquarters of the All-Ukrainian Union Fatherland, a self-nominated candidate in the electoral district 212 Ihor Balenko feeds senior residents of the raion and promises them money. Authors of thevideo state that people were gathered in a café, and then taken to the place of bribery on a bus. The moment of passing the money wasn't recorded. However, from recorded conversions, it is clear that people were promised money, and weren't given them.


On behalf of Oleksandr Lishchenko, a self-nominated candidate in the electoral district 213, 100 hryvnias are offered on VKONTAKTE social network. On 17 October, on the Troieshchyna community an announcement was published, “passport details of people from Troieshchyna, starting from 18 years of age, are required. The data won't be used, this is charity from a deputy, what and how in detail — in private messages. For one passport number — 100 UAH! There is nothing illegal since no one can do anything with your details!!! Urgent.” The candidate's name became known from private correspondence.


A self-nominated candidate in the electoral district 218 Lev Parkhaladze equips pump rooms for his voters. Now, he is doing the purification of the pump room at the address of 3 Bilychanska St, which was opened at his expense on 5 October. The reason of the refurbishment was the complaints of people for poor water quality.



Vadym Stolar – member of the Party of Regions and a self-nominated candidate in the electoral district 217 – carries out the improvement of curtilages in Obolon. Next to the workers, in the yards, the candidate's campaigning boards are put.



For comment, please contact:
Olha Havryliuk,
Coordinator of the Parliamentary Election Public Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv
(063) 715 03 63
Halyna Budivska,
Press Secretary of the Parliamentary Elections Observation Campaign in the city of Kyiv
(097) 746 89 08