The leader of Chas Vidpovisty Civic movement (Time to Answer) and of the Natsionalnyi Proryv NGO (National Breakthrough) Kucherniuk Mykola is convinced, that Ivano-Frankivsk City Council shall hold an extraordinary session and decide: to take decision on disclosure of personal files of deputies or to dissolve itself.

The activist is surprised why such session wasn't held right after the bribery scandal which involved officials and deputies of the City Council, the majority of which takes All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda. "Two weeks ago was held a session of Oblast Council on which issues of stealing hens and dissemination of plastic bags were discussed. Today we have a bribery scandal and everybody is silent... They should talk about lustration. At least, these people shouldn't discredit the whole City Council. I appeal to the deputies from all political parties to take an initiative and hold the extraordinary session: if lustration - than lustration, if to dissolve - than dissolve itself."

The leader of Proryv NGO stated during a press conference on 19 October, that if deputies will not take the initiative, than the city Mayor will have to apply to the Verkhovna Rada with a petition for holding an extraordinary session of the City Council or initiation of its dissolution.

In the meanwhile, more and more people in social network support the dissolution of the City Council. For example, journalist Heorhii Zhuzhunadze in Ivano-Frankivsk appealed to the citizens to support the dissolution of Ivano-Frankivsk City Concil on Facebook.

The journalist has got such idea after the video publication on Youtube, on which a man somehow resembling Kolkovskyi Volodymyr, the deputy of the City Council from the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, is receiving a bribe in amount of 10 thousand dollars. Heorhii Zhuzhunadze says that perhaps soon a collection of signatures on streets in support of a demand to dissolve the City Council will be organized.

We remind, that special-service agents were trying to detain the Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Oleh Harkota, and the leader of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda faction in the City Council Roman Onufriev, right in the center of Ivano-Frankivsk city. Officers of the law charge them with privity to taking a bribe in amount of 30 thousand dollars. Politicians say that it's a political reprisal connected to the elections.

Nataliia Holomidova
Press-secretary of the observation campaign during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
For comment, please contact:
Ivan Maruniak,
Coordinator of the observation campaign during 2012 Parliamentary elections
in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
063 628 67 68