OPORA observers have interviewed the deputy head of Rivne oblast administration, the deputy of oblast council, and a candidate to the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions in district #153, Anatolii Yukhymenko.
Why have you decided to stand as a candidate to the Parliament? What are your main goals?
I have no personal interests for entering the Parliament. During the last two years, I have visited more than four hundred settlements out of one thousand. I saw all existing problems and took a decision to stand as a candidate in Ukrainian Parliament Elections.
Maybe I am too honest, but I think that 80% of candidates are running for Parliamentary seats either for personal enrichment, or to protect own business. I'm not reach person, but quite self-sufficient. Therefore, my purpose is not enrichment. I have a desire to help people in our region, and will be able to draw more budgetary funds or other investments to improve situation in our oblast when working in the Parliament.
All representatives of Rivne oblast have entered the Parliament with intention to draw additional costs and investments, to improve the situation in the oblast. However, for more than 20 years of independence, none of them succeeded. How are you going to convince the other MPs to support your initiatives?
Some serious political opponents say, they will never and under any circumstances unite with anyone. I will never say that. I'm ready to unite anyone if this will help me to reach my goals, and if this decision will be taken in favor of citizens. With opposition, or with the power.
In your pre-election program, you promise that you will strive for abolition of immunity and privileges for MPs. Do you think that many deputies will want to unite with you and abolish their privileges?
The MP shouldn't have more than is prescribed by the law. Therefore, I will support those deputies which will move the law on abolition of immunity and privileges for MPs. However, deputies should have decent wages and have no desire to go into business.
If deputies will not move such law, will you take an initiative and bring in a bill?
I'm intelligent enough to prepare such a bill. However, I'm not able to adopt it on my own. I will need to find supporters, and move from small to the big. I think it's possible, and I'm ready to such step.
How do you estimate your chances of getting into the Parliament?
You know, not all candidates are registered yet, but all of them are in the opposition to me. Therefore, I have a definite position here. I'm the person who will be chosen to represent people's interests in the Parliament in this district.
What do you mean when you say that competitors are in opposition to you?
I respect all my opponents. I have no enemies and have never had. The only thing I'd like to ask them - not speak on my behalf what they think. One of them said that they will take away my card for voting. Another is giving up the Party, because it's not profitable now. I was proposed to run as a self-nominated candidate. But I decided to register in the membership of the Party of Regions. I have two reasons for that. First, they started preparing my namesake even before I was registered. To protect myself, I was nominated on the Party of Regions' congress. Second, I don't like people, which often change their affiliation for own benefit. The party for such people is only a way to enrichment or a step to achieving certain goals. I understand, that the Party of Regions has a poor support in western Ukraine, compared to the eastern regions. Nevertheless, I will win, because I have achieved a lot in my life and have done many good things for people.
You have mentioned about the card for voting. What is your opinion about political "turncoats" - "tushki" and voting by cards of other deputies?
Not everyone will be able to resist the temptation of money. I can resist. It's not a secret that many people's deputies receive money from factions besides their deputy's wages. Therefore, not always they are able to consciously manage their votes. Under no circumstances I'm going to give somebody my card for voting. I will vote myself. I will not press buttons instead of someone. I will not provoke fights and hinder the work of the Parliament. I have taken decision, that my reputation and reputation of my family is above all services I can receive there. That's why I'm sure that I will take decision only on the grounds of my mentality, my attitude to people and the mission.
What is your attitude to the abuse of administrative resource, do you know any examples of civil servants in Rivne oblast using such method while being candidates for MPs of Ukraine?
When administrative resource is used to put pressure on voters or as a campaigning method? I've been for a long time in politics. If someone tries to receive votes through pressure, intimidation, threats, he will get the opposite effect. I have seen results of such pressure in 2002, when the Our Ukraine and For United Ukraine parties were campaigning. Someone have thought, that our society and people are frightened, and tried to win with the help of administrative resource. It gave the opposite effect. The administrative pressure can't be used for such purposes.
Using administrative resource as a campaigning method may possibly result in certain benefits. However, to tell the truth, it's not very advantageous to my mind.
Your competitor from United Opposition in district #153 is Yurii Vozniuk. He has lately informed about the pressure from law enforcement agencies which inspect his business. Yurii Vozniuk blames inspections of law enforcement agencies on the power, he says it's the way they want to put pressure on him. You are both the competitor of Mr. Voznuik nominater from pro-power party and a state servant. How can you explain accusation of the candidate?
I can't say that he's the key person in the business led by his father. Moreover, I think that it's definitely his PR move. There is no persecution towards him or his family. I think that he's just abuses the fact that he's nominated from the opposition, and advertise himself.

What do you think about situations when civil servant, who is a candidate for MP, is using achievements of Regional
Council or administration, and shows them as own achievements. In fact, budget funds were used to realize these programs, and a candidate received a salary for this work. Is it abuse of the administrative resource?
I understand what you are driving at. Being the deputy head of oblast state administration, we have installed gas pipeline in K
We are not talking about minor issues. Concerning large-scale projects, they are not necessarily connected to the use of administrative resource. That's why I say that it's my achievement. Yes, I've done a road to Lypky city. I've spent about ten million UAH on it. These are not costs from the oblast budget. Is it achievement or not? Nobody has built it for 20 years before me. This is achievement for sure.orets city on the celebration of its anniversary. We have almost supplied 80% of Korets rayon with gas this year. Nobody have done it before us. They said, there is no money. I also had no money, and it was difficult to go to NJC "Naftohas of Ukraine". You shouldn't think that they are waiting for us there. It doesn't matter if you are from the opposition of from the power, they are not glad to see us there. They have their own problems on the state level. You often can spend there days waiting and nobody will welcome you, but nevertheless you sit and wait. Achievements which I report to people, were financed not from oblast budget. We haven't used a cent from oblast budget when providing Korets rayon with gas supply.
Since lately, different social projects and President's initiatives are actively realized in the oblast, are proposed affordable housing loans... All these and other projects have started right before the elections. Don't you think it's a hidden voter bribery?
We are living from elections to elections. Therefore, no matter what the power does, opposition will say that it's only for pre-election period. When sides are shifted, and the opposition comes to power, and the power stays in opposition, the opposite side says that these projects are effective only before the elections.
President's social initiatives, especially concerning housing, have no alternatives now. There is simply no other alternatives. I'm sure that these programs will urge voters to vote not for the flag, colors, or the party, but for the program.
Biographical notes.
Anatolii Yukhymenko was born in Bohdanivka village (Rivne oblast, Korets rayon) on October 16, 1958. A citizen of Ukraine. Received higher education. The First deputy head of Rivne oblast administration, member of the Party of Regions. Is standing as a candidate in district #153 centered in Rivne city. Subject of nomination - the Party of Regions.
For comment, please contact:
Anatolii Bondarchuk,
Coordinator of electoral programs of the Civil Network OPORA in Rivne oblast
096 918 74 08
The Civil Network “OPORA” - a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.