25 April the Civil Network OPORA presented an observation campaign to be conducted during the elections of people's deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and results of the first monitoring report.

The organization plans realization of large-scale campaign of long- and short term observation, quick vote count of election results by the proportional component on a basis of representative sample will guarantee 100% coverage of polling stations by observers in separate majoritarian districts. OPORA observers will work in all 225 electoral districts, and 3500 activists will join them on the voting day. Organization will use the latest means of spreading information about observation results, including infographics and interactive maps.


Although legislative term of campaign is 90 days and its official start is scheduled for July 30, the activity of political forces and work started in regions indicates a false start. Between typical features of electoral activity are external and internal manifestations of political struggle. The first traditionally include growing agitation activity, high amount of political hidden advertising in mass media, charitable activities, tours and working visits to the regions, organized by national politicians. The struggle within a party is a less public phenomenon and can be noticed in reorganization of party structures, groundless from the first sight change of leaders, political migration of party activists, in particular, between heads of local governments. The last will a crucial role in 2012 electoral campaign. On this stage the issue of nominating in single mandate electoral districts candidates coordinated between the political partners remains vitally important.

Besides that, a number of important decisions were approved during the last period, in particular, of the Constitutional Court and the CEC. In the opinion of the Civil Network OPORA, the decision of CCU concerning rights of candidates on the parallel ballot in single-mandate and majoritarian electoral districts and multi-mandate, by party lists, is absolutely predictable. Concerning unconstitutionality of attaching polling stations outside Ukraine to all single-mandate constituencies that are created in the capital, the constitutional right of 400 thousand Ukrainian citizens abroad is to be restricted. If deputies or the CEC won't propose a compromise, foreign Ukrainians will be able to vote only for party lists. It puts a certain group of voters in unequal conditions due to the place of residence, what contradicts the basic principles of the Fundamental Law.

OPORA would like to mention well-considered approach of the CEC when determining the number of electoral districts in regions. Applying the principle of proportional correlation of voters in Crimea, 24 oblasts, cities Kyiv and Sevastopol to the national indices allowed objectively take into account the demographic situation. Nevertheless, the most important stage of territorial organization of elections will become creation of regular districts, which is to be finished before 30 April.

Concerning agitation, the most active are political forces which according to the last sociological researches overcome 5% threshold or are close to it. Between them are: the Party of Regions, All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland", "Front for Change", CPU, All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda", and "UDAR". Others are active only in certain regions or oblasts of Ukraine. Oppositional forces, in particular All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland", "Front for Change", CPU, All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda", "UDAR", "Civil position", are undergoing the organizational, resource or staff transformations.

Future deputies started outdoor advertising, organizing meetings with the voters, conducting social and charity events aimed at the youth, conducting campaign events under the guise of public opinion polls. In addition, the practice of using different social initiatives which are realized by the cost of state budget for advertising certain politicians or parties became more popular.

Political project of Nataliia Korolevska “Ukraina – Vpered!”is notable for its sonorous false start.


Most of potential majoritarian candidates publicly state their intention to run, what is due to, first of all, with the centralization of the redistricting process in most political forces. However, many well-known politicians openly announce their participation in elections, in particular, Oleksandr Yefremov,  Viktor Baloha, Vasyl Onopenko, Taras Chornovil, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, Oleksandr Moroz,  Petro Poroshenko, Mykola Tomenko,  Pavlo Zhebrivskyi, Stanislav Nikolaienko and others.

Political conflicts between potential competitors happen rarely. OPORA observers noticed single incidents of internal party splits, changing parties, public confrontation of oppositional political forces, registration of party clones etc.

Organizational conflicts go along with future distribution of districts between candidates. It characterizes oppositional as well as pro-regime bloc. For example, in electoral district centered in Sarny city in Rivne oblast to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will ballot simultaneously two representatives of the All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland" Mykola Kucheruk, as a candidate from united opposition and Oleksandr Danylchuk - self-nominated. In Ternopil oblast two members of the Party of Regions bid for one of the northern constituencies, in particular, MP Orest Muts and supported by the local administration Volodymyr Klymenko, Chairman of the Board at UkrInBank.

Migration processes which result in change of party orientation of officials in local governmental bodies are still present. For example, mayor of Zaporizhia Oleksandr Sin which was nominated from the party "Fatherland", lately joined the Party of regions.

Civic observers notice the exceeding attention of regulatory, law enforcement and judicial authorities to subjects who have announced their intention to participate in the election campaign. Such activeness in elections is between key challenges for public authorities, requiring balanced and apolitical approach.

Political parties and some politicians started the election campaign long time before the term specified by the law. Although it formally doesn't violate Ukrainian legislation, this contradicts the principle of equal possibilities. At the same time, agitation with spreading goods, services, money, according to the corresponding legislation is an expression of direct or hidden bribery of voters and should be punished in accordance with the administrative and criminal legislation. Unconscientious practices of campaign activities cast doubt on the willingness of individual candidates for free and fair competition. In addition, the media has increased the number of ordered image materials.

For comment, please contact:
Olha Aivazovska
Election programs coordinator
063 617 97 50, [email protected]

The Civil Network “OPORA” – is a non-governmental, non-political and financially independent all-Ukrainian network of activists. We united to enhance public participation in the political process by developing and implementing models of citizen participation in the activities of state and local governments.