13 December 2011 in information agency UNIAN was held a press conference of Public Consortium of Election Initiatives on which experts aired problematic issues of 2012 election campaign.

“Nobody doubts that recently was adopted “single-action” law on elections, – said head of the Board of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine Oleksandr Chernenko, - Today, we start working on the improvement of the future election legislation. We are against situation when politicians write laws for politicians. 1359 experts from all regions of Ukraine participated in expert poll, public debates and focus groups during an open public discussion of the electoral reform in Ukraine organized by the Consortium. Their opinions and experience – is a priceless material which, I hope, will become the starting point for further legislation reforms - adoption of the Electoral Code, the transition to a system of open regional lists, transparency of financing the election campaign and openness of information about candidates.”


“The most problematic issues of 2012 election campaign - is the district division, compilation of voter lists, organization of voting, and determination of its results. There is also a possibility of pressure on mass media and difficulties with the right to appeal on election law violations by the election commissions. But the main risk – is a mixed system, which will cause influencing voting results by the administrative resource,” – stated director of Legal research of the Laboratory of legislative initiatives Denys Kovryzhenko.

Leader of electoral programs in Civic Network “OPORA” Olha Aivazovska noted: “2012 elections will be conducted by the script written by the party in power. The effective law may assist in conducting fare and democratic elections, but the possibility of real competition is really doubtful. Owing to the administrative resource there may be organized a preliminary purge of popular candidates in districts.  There are various possible methods: from the prosecution of law enforcement and tax authorities to intimidation at household level. Thus, a big share of responsibility for the result lies on the shoulders of leaders of the country."

Detailed information:

Olha Aivazovska
Coordinator of election programs of CN OPORA

Oleksandr Chernenko
The Head of the Board of CVU

Denys Kovryzhenko
ALI Director of Legal Research