49,2% of the voters took part in the elections in Novovolyns’k  and  50,8% - in Luts’k.


One of the committee members made a mistake while issuing the ballot for the elections of the deputies to Lokachi township council in the VD # 07003. Nevertheless, she did not announced about the spoiled ballot to the committee members and hid it instead. The members of the DEC noticed this violation and made the act. The committee member  who tried to hide the ballot was suspended from the work with ballots. The culprit now gives the explanation to the law enforcement officers.


The light was out on the VD # 1 in Luts’k. The voting process was stopped for an hour. The reason of this was the voltage overload. To clear the circumstances, the chairman of the local TEC, the city executive committee and the police representatives arrived on the VD. Finally, the problem as resolved.


In the village of Zaborol’ in the Luts’k district one of the observers was beaten. The reason was the conflict between the support teams of two candidates for the post of the head of the village council.


In the village of Ratniv, Luts’k region, according to the information provided by the representative of the UU “Bat’kivschyna”, the fact of throwing away the ballots.

You can get more information from the coordinator of the public observation campaign that was  held by CN “OPORA” in Volyn’ region.

Mykhaylo Shelep
Cell: 067-41-65-086