Ukrainian Armed Forces have been holding corageously their defence against the Russian invaders for eleven days. However, we should remember that this resistance would be much harder if the world didn’t impose economical, political, and psychological pressure upon the aggressor. OPORA has prepared two materials describing how the world and separate companies and corporations fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This material describes how various states have taken their stand against Russia.

Closing airspace and ports for aircraft and ships of the Russian Federation

• February 24, 2022. 02:45 AM — Ukraine closed its airspace.

• February 24, 2022. 12:00 PM — Moldova closed its airspace.

• February 24, 2022. 7:00 PM — the United Kingdom closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 AM — Bulgaria closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 AM — Poland closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 AM — the Czech Republic closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 PM — Lithuania closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 PM — Latvia closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 12:00 PM — Estonia closed its airspace.

• February 26, 2022. 2:00 PM — Romania closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 6:00 AM — Iceland closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 6:00 AM — Belgium closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 9:00 AM — Ireland closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 1:00 PM — Sweden closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 1:00 PM — Denmark closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 1:00 PM — Finland closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 2:00 PM — the Netherlands closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 3:00 PM — Italy closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 3:00 PM — France closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 4:00 PM — Norway closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 4:00 PM — Germany closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 4:00 PM — North Macedonia closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 5:00 PM — Austria closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 5:00 PM — Spain closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 5:00 PM — Canada closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 6:00 PM — Portugal closed its airspace.

• February 27, 2022. 6:00 PM — the European Union closed its airspace (Luxembourg, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece). The EU closed its airspace for Russian-owned, Russian-registered, Russian-controlled aircraft, as well as aircraft, privately owned by Russian oligarchs.

• February 27, 2022. 7:00 PM — Albania closed its airspace.

• February 28, 2022. 4:20 PM — Switzerland closed its airspace.

• March 1, 2022. 7:20 PM — Canada. The country banned access to its ports for any Russian vessels.

• March 1, 2022. 9:00 PM — Montenegro closed its airspace.

• March 2, 2022. 12:00 AM — the United States of America closed its airspace.

• March 2, 2022. 12:15 AM — Great Britain. The country banned access to its ports for any Russian vessels.

State Sanctions

• February 22, 2022. 01:25 AM — USA. Sanctions for recognizing the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by the RF. The US banned new investments and financial activities of the US representatives in the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, as well as import of any goods, services or technologies from these territories, or direct and indirect export of goods, services or technologies from the US to the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

• February 22, 2022. 01:25 AM — Great Britain. Sanctions for recognising the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by the RF, imposed on five Russian banks: Russia bank, Promsviazbank, Genbank, the Black Sea Bank for Development and Reconstruction, and Industrial Savings Bank. Sanctions were also imposed on Gennady Timchenko and the Rotenberg brothers — their assets in Britain are frozen, and they are prohibited from entering the country.

• February 22, 2022. 1:25 AM — European Union. Sanctions for recognizing the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by the RF. The first package imposed personal sanctions against 351 members of the State Duma, who voted for an appeal to Putin to recognise the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, and 27 individuals and legal entities that played a role in undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Sanctions were imposed on individuals who took decisions and threatened Ukrainians, associations that provided financial or material support to the Russian military and operations in these territories, representatives of the defense sector who played a role in the invasion and destabilization, and those who realised a disinformation war against Ukraine, as well as banks that finance decision-makers in unrecognized territories. Thus, the sanctions were imposed on the following individuals and entities: TV host and Deputy Speaker at the State Duma Petro Tolstoy, TV host Vladimir Solovyov, Head of the Russia Today Margarita Simonyan, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova, Minister of Defense Serhii Shoigu, Russia bank, WEB, Promsvyazbank, etc. Sanctions include for the freezing of assets, as well as a ban onentry or transit through the territory of the European Union. The second package of sanctions was targeted at the so-called “republics” of the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The restrictions include a ban on the import of goods from the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts not controlled by Ukraine, restrictions on trade and investment, a ban on the provision of tourist services and the export of certain goods and technologies. The third package contains sectoral sanctions that restrict access to European capital markets and financial services for the Russian government.

• February 22, 2022. 1:25 PM — Germany. Stopping the Nord Stream 2 certification.

• February 22, 2022. 6:20 PM — Denmark. The AkademikerPension Pension Fund stops investing in Russian government bonds and companies, which have over 50% of the state ownership. The fund has $56.87 million worth of Russian assets.

• February 22, 2022. 9:30 PM — USA. Sanctions against two Russian banks — Vneshekombank and Military Bank (as well as 42 subsidiaries), as well as Russia’s sovereign debt (which bans financial loans for the Russian government. Thus, the Russian Federation will not be able to finance its budget by placing Eurobonds on Western financial markets, particularly European ones). They also imposed sanctions against Russian elites and members of their families: FSB Director Oleksandr Bortnikov and Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergey Kirienko, Denis Bortnikov (Deputy President and Chairman of the Board of VTB Bank, son of Chairman of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Oleksandr Bortnikov), Pyotr Fradkov (Executive Director of Promsvyazbank, General Director of the Russian Export Center PJSC, which is a unit of Vnesheconombank, son of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Fradkov, who also held the position of Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation) and Vladimir Kirienko (former Vice President of the state-owned Rostelecom, Executive Director of the VK Group, son of the First Deputy Head of the RF Presidential Administration Vladimir Kirienko). All the property and financial assets of these three persons on American territory are blocked by the US government. Any bank that agrees to make transactions or operations with sanctioned Russians may also be sanctioned by the U.S. government.

• February 23, 2022. 12:40 AM — Canada. Prohibition on any financial operations with the so-called “LPR” and “DPR”. Any operations with Russia’s sovereign debt are also banned, as well as dealing with two Russian banks, supported by the state. Sanctions were also imposed on members of the Russian Parliament who voted for to the recognition of the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

• February 23, 2022. 03:50 AM — Japan. Japan prohibited issuing Russian bonds in the country and froze of the assets of some Russians.

• February 23, 2022. 11:30 AM — Ukraine. Sanctions against 351 members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who voted for the “recognition of independence” of the so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. Sanctions include blocking of assets; restricting trade operations; restricting, suspending or stopping of transit of resources, flights, or transportations on Ukrainian territory; preventing the diversion of capital outside Ukraine; cancelling or suspending any licences held by these individuals, including on the subsoil use; prohibiting the use of radio-frequency resource of Ukraine; prohibiting completely or partially the purchase of securities; terminating the trade agreements; terminating the cultural exchanges, scientific cooperation, educational and sports contacts, entertainment programs with foreign states and foreign legal entities; cancelling official visits, meetings, negotiations on the conclusion of contracts or agreements; depriving of state awards of Ukraine; prohibiting the acquisition of land ownership, etc.

• February 23, 2022. 12:30 PM — Australia. Travel ban and targeted financial sanctions against 8 members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, which assist Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They are banned from any financial transactions involving Australian entities and organisations. Australia’s sanctions in Crimea also spread onto the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts not controlled by the Government of Ukraine. Sanctions cover the transport, energy, telecommunications, oil, gas and minerals, as well as several Russian banks.

• February 23, 2022. 9:05 PM — USA. Sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 operator.

• February 24, 2022. 5:40 PM — Latvia. Stopped issuing visas for Russians.

• February 24, 2022. 6:30 PM — Switzerland. Freezing bank assets of Russians from the EU sanctions list.

• February 24, 2022. 7:20 PM — Great Britain. Sanctions are aimed to ban access to pounds sterling for Russian banks and limit the amount of money that Russian citizens will be able to deposit into their bank accounts in the UK. “Aeroflot” is banned from flying to the UK, and equipment that is being sold to Russia is subject to “tight export controls.” Besides that, assets of all major Russian banks are frozen (including VTB, which has assets worth £154 billion). Russian companies and the state are not allowed to attract financing or lend money on the UK markets. Assets of 100 individuals and legal entities are frozen (including the close circle of Putin — Kirill Shamalov, Denis Bortnikov, and Petr Fradkov).

• February 24, 2022. 8:40 PM — Canada. Revocation of current export permits for Russia and ban to issue new ones. Sanctions are targeted against 58 individuals and entities associated with Russia, including members of the Russian elite and their families, the private military company Wagner, and big Russian banks. Sanctions have also affected members of the Security Council of Russia, including key ministers of the RF Government — ministers of defense, finance and justice.

• February 24, 2022. 8:50 PM — USA. Disconnection of Sberbank from the US financial system, including 25 subsidiaries, through sanctions on correspondent and end-to-end accounts. Full blocking sanctions against VTB Bank, including 20 subsidiaries, as well as Otkritie Bank, Sovcombank, Novikombank and 34 subsidiaries. The sanctions also apply to the debt and capital of Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Moscow Credit Bank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Transnaft, Rostelecom, RusHydro, Alrosa, Radkomflot, and Russian Railways. Sanctions impose severe restrictions on the import of high-tech goods to Russia, including semiconductors, lasers and sensors. Special sanctions have been imposed against people who profit from the war, the Russian elite and their family members. This list of individuals includes sons of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, Security Council Secretary of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues Sergei Ivanov, top managers of VTB and Sberbank.

• February 25, 2022. 04:10 AM — New Zealand. Banned Russian officials from entering the country, prohibited exporting goods to Russian military and security forces.

• February 25, 2022. 04:50 AM — Taiwan. Joined international economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.

• February 25, 2022. 10:00 AM — Japan. Sanctions prohibit the import of semiconductors into Russia, freeze the assets of Russian banks and suspend visa issuance to some Russian individuals and entities.

• February 25, 2022. 11:40 AM — Germany. Complete blockade of Russian banks and de facto cessation of business with Russia.

• February 25, 2022. 5:40 PM — Ukraine. The National Bank revoked the banking license and liquidated the banks under the control of the Russian Federation (International Reserve Bank, which is 100% owned by Sberbank of Russia, and Prominvestbank, which is 99.77% owned by the Russian state bank WEB.RF).

• February 25, 2022. 5:50 PM — Council of Europe. Banned Russia’s participation in the Council and in the PACE

• February 25, 2022. 8:25 PM — European Union. Personal sanctions. Freezing the assets of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, expanding sanctions on all deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation who have ratified the Treaties of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Russian Federation and the “republics” of the certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Sanctions also concern Belarusian authorities, which allowed the RF aggression. Financial restrictions. The shares of Russian state-owned companies cannot be traded in the EU. Restriction on the maximum deposits for EU citizens, ban to sell securities in euros to Russians. These restrictions are applied to 70% of the Russian banking sector and state-owned companies of the Russian Federation. Opportunities for the Russian elite to preserve their wealth in the EU are also restricted. Energy sector. The EU prohibits to sale, supply, transfer or export the certain goods and technologies for oil refining to the Russian Federation, and imposes restrictions on the certain services. Transport. Prohibition on export of goods and technologies in the aerospace industry, insurance and maintenance of the corresponding goods and services, sale of aircraft, spare parts and equipment to Russian airlines. Technologies. Restrictions on the export of dual-use goods and technologies, export restrictions on goods and technologies that can facilitate the modernisation of Russian defence and security sector (including semiconductors and other technologies). Visa policy. Diplomats and other Russian officials will no longer be granted a simplified visa regime, which allows a privileged access to the EU.

• February 25, 2022. 10:30 PM — China. Condemning the aggression of the Russian Federation and supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

• February 25, 2022. 9:40 PM — Great Britain. Extended sanctions against Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov. Froze their assets.

• February 25, 2022. 11:10 PM — USA. Sanctions against Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and members of the Russian Security Council, as well as the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov.

• February 26, 2022. 12:30 AM — European Union, Great Britain, USA, Canada. Exclusion of certain Russian banks from the swift messaging system (disconnection from the international financial system). Introducing restrictive measures against the Central Bank of Russia, which will not be able to use its international reserves. Sanctions against citizens and organizations that contribute to the war in Ukraine and the harmful activities of the Russian government (in particular, citizenship restrictions — so-called “golden passports”, which allow wealthy Russians associated with the Russian government to gain the citizenship of these countries and access their financial systems).

• February 26, 2022. 12:35 AM — China. Two largest state banks of China (Bank of China and ICBC) have restricted purchase agreements on Russian raw materials. ICBC stopped issuing credit letters for agreements with Russian commodity exporters. The bank has completely stopped servicing the dollar supply, but in some cases credit letters may be issued for agreements in RMB. The Bank of China has restricted the financing for purchasing of Russian raw materials.

• February 26, 2022. 3:55 AM — Canada. Sanctions against Vladimir Putin and the Belarusian leaders involved in the invasion of Ukraine. Supported the immediate removal of Russia from the swift international banking system.

• February 26, 2022. 3:50 PM — Turkey. Closed the Bosphorus Channel in the Black Sea for Russian warships.

• February 27, 2022. 1:10 AM — USA. Launched a special multilateral transatlantic task force aimed to identify and freeze the assets of Russian sanctioned oligarchs.

• February 27, 2022. 2:10 PM — Japan. Personal sanctions against Vladimir Putin and other Russian high-ranking officials. Joined the international sanctions and blocked access of some Russian banks the SWIFT international payment system.

• February 27, 2022. 6:55 PM — European Union. Banned the broadcasting of Russian channels Russia Today and Sputnik in all EU countries.

• February 27, 2022. 7:20 PM — European Union. Sanctions against Belarus authorities. Trade restrictions on the most important sectors of Belarus economy: mineral fertilizers, tobacco, wood, cement, iron, steel, etc. Extending restrictions against Russia on Belarus, related to high-tech export used in the military industry.

• February 28, 2022. 4:50 AM — Australia. Financial and entry restrictions. Restrictions are targeted against Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu and Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

• February 28, 2022. 5:45 AM — European Union. Ban on operations on reserves and assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. However, the EU authorities may allow transactions with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if such measures are critical for the financial stability of the EU.

• February 28, 2022. 9:35 AM — Great Britain. Prohibited financial transactions that involve the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Russian Wealth Fund and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for any individuals or legal entities of the United Kingdom.

• February 28, 2022. 1:30 PM — Moldova. Restriction of access to Russian rubles (some banks are ready to sell Russian rubles, and buying is available only in private exchange offices).

• February 28, 2022. 1:55 PM — Greece. Stopped issuing and extending residence permits for Russian investors (“golden visa” program).

• February 28, 2022. 3:00 PM — Japan. Joined the sanctions imposed by the West against the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and restricted transactions with it. Imposed sanctions against Belarusian organizations and individuals, including President Lukashenko, and restricted export to Belarus.

• February 28, 2022. 3:50 PM — USA. Sanctions prohibit transactions between United States citizens and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Wealth Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Finance of Russia (which effectively immobilizes any assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation held by the United States or U.S. citizens). Sanctions have been imposed against the key Russian sovereign fund, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which relates to the United States financial system, and its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kirill Dmitriev.

• February 28, 2022. 4:20 PM — Switzerland. Joined the sanctions packages imposed by the EU on 23 and 25 February. Imposed financial sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Mikhail Mishustin, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov.

• February 28, 2022. 8:05 PM — Great Britain. Prohibited Russian banks to make payments in pound sterling. Froze the assets of three more Russian banks — WEB, Sovcombank and Otkrytie. Prohibited Russian giants, such as Gazprom, to issue debt obligations or shares in London. Prohibited exports to Russia from Britain in a number of “critical sectors” (high-tech equipment such as microelectronics, marine and navigation equipment).

• February 28, 2022. 10:00 PM — European Union. Sanctions against the Spokesman of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, the Russian entrepreneur Alisher Usmanov, owners of the Alfa-Group consortium Mikhail Friedman and Petr Aven, the main owner of Severstal Aleksei Mordashov, the Chief Executive Officer of the NK Rosneft PJSC Igor Sechin and the President of the Transneft PJSC Mikhail Tokariev, co-owner of the Sheremetyevo airport Aleksander Ponomarenko. SOGAZ JSC is also on the sanctions lists.

• March 1, 2022. 4:20 AM — Japan. Sanctions against the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Defense of Russia Sergey Shoigu, the Chief of the Russian General Staff Valery Gerasimov, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Froze the funds of the Russian Central Bank, Promsvyazbank and Vnesheconombank. Japan banned the sale of anything to 49 Russian companies and organizations, including the FSB, the GRU, and the state corporations of military-industrial complex.

• March 1, 2022. 2:15 PM — South Korea. Suspended financial operations with seven big Russian banks (including Sberbank, VTB and Promsviazbank) and their affiliates. Seoul also joined the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT international payment system. The government of South Korea also recommended to stop the trade of Russian government bonds issued after March 2.

• March 1, 2022. 9:45 PM — Great Britain. Sanctions against the Belarusian General Staff Chief Major General Viktor Gulevich, three deputy ministers of defense (Major General Andrei Burdyk, Chief of Belarusian Armed Forces Rear Major General Sergei Simonenko, Chief of Armaments Major General Andrei Zhuk, Deputy Minister of Defense), as well as two military enterprises. Sanctions prohibit entry into the UK, and froze British assets of these people.

• March 2, 2022. 12:15 AM — Great Britain. New financial sanctions against the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the State Welfare Fund. UK individuals and entities are prohibited from providing financial services to them.

• March 2, 2022. 2:05 PM — Malta. Suspension of the “gold passports” system for Russians and Belarusians. The suspension applies to both the Maltese citizenship scheme in exchange for investment and the residence scheme in exchange for investment that must be renewed each year.

• March 2, 2022. 4:40 PM — European Union. Natural and legal persons, as well as organizations and Russian state bodies, including the government and the Central Bank are prohibited “to sell, exhibit, transfer or export euro banknotes to Russia, or send them in any way for the use on the territory of Russia”.

• March 2, 2022. 01:00 AM — Germany. Confiscated the yacht of Russian businessman Alisher Usmanov, sanctioned by the European Union.

• March 3, 2022. 06:15 AM– USA. Sanctions against 22 Russian defense enterprises, including companies producing combat aircraft, infantry fighting vehicles, electronic warfare systems, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles for the Russian armed forces. Introduction of export control on technologies required by Russia at oil and gas processing enterprises. Sanctions have also been introduced against Belarus, which will help to prevent the transfer of objects, technologies and software through Belarus to Russia.

• March 3, 2022. 7:10 AM — Canada. Sanctions against 10 key persons from Rosneft and Gazprom.

• March 3, 2022. 7:40 AM — World Bank. Stopped all programs in Russia and Belarus.

• March 3, 2022. 1:25 PM — France. Arrested the yacht of Rosneft Chairman Igor Siechin.

• March 3, 2022. 6:01 PM — Canada. Sanctions against the Russian Federation and Belarus, which deprive these countries of “the most desirable trading partner” status under WTO rules. This means that Russia and Belarus will no longer have benefits like low tariffs that Canada offers to other WTO members. Instead, the export tariff to Canada for the Russian Federation and Belarus will be 35%.

• March 3, 2022. 9:05 PM — Great Britain. Sanctions against two more Russian oligarchs — Alisher Usmanov and Igor Shuvalov. Thus, commercial ties Usmanov had with the Everton British football club were suspended.

• March 3, 2022. 9:45 PM — USA. Sanctions against the Russian elite and their family members, disconnecting them from the US financial system, freezing assets in the United States, blocking property, announcing the possibility of criminal prosecution of these oligarchs. One of them is Alisher Usmanov — the United States noted that his property was subject to arrest (including a yacht and a private plane). Sanctions also apply to Dmitry Peskov. The US will impose visa restrictions for 19 oligarchs and 47 relatives and close friends, identify and freeze the assets of Russian elites and their family members, including yachts, apartments, finances, etc. These oligarchs include Nilolai Tokarev (and his wife Galina, daughter Maya and two of his elite real estate companies), Boris Rotenberg (and his wife Karina, sons Roman and Boris), Arkady Rotenberg (and his sons Pavlo, Igor, daughter Lilia), Sergei Chemezov (and his wife Katerina, son Stanislav, stepdaughter Anastasia), Igor Shuvalov (and his five companies, wife Olga, son Yevgeny, his son’s company and plane, daughter Maria and her company), Yevgeny Prigozhin (and his three companies, wife Polina, daughter Liubov and son Pavlo), etc.

• March 3, 2022. 11:20 PM — Council of the Baltic Sea States. Withdrew Russia from further participation in Council activities.

• March 4, 2022. 2:40 PM — European Union. The European Commission has suspended cooperation with Russia and Belarus in the cross-border cooperation programmes of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI CBC) and under the Interreg programme for the Baltic Sea region.

• March 5, 2022. 1:05 AM — Italy. Arrested yachts of oligarchs Aleksey Mordashov and Gennady Timchenko.

• March 5, 2022. 4:45 AM — Singapore. Banks and other financial institutions are prohibited from doing business with Russian banks VTB, WEB, Promzsvyazbank, Russia. All assets and funds of these banks must be frozen. Sanctions ban the export of certain goods to Russia, including electronics, computers and military goods. Singapore’s sanctions apply to all transactions involving cryptocurrencies. Banks, insurers and other financial institutions will be prohibited from doing business with certain sectors in the self-proclaimed “LPR/DPR”. These sectors include transport, telecommunications, energy and geological exploration, mining.

• March 6, 2022. 10:05 AM — Italy. Arrested two villas of the Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov.