On June 2 and 3 was the biggest EIT on Ukrainian language and literature. 223 161 participants appeared on the testing points, the average attendance during two days is 88,98%. The number of participants comparing with 2010 is 200 000 less, that is connected both with little number of graduates and the admission of the EIT certificates for 2008-2010. The OPORA observers underline the decent organization level for testing and merely coordinated work of staff. Activists worked on 75% of testing points, chosen according to the statistics in 12 regions of Ukraine.

First conclusions of the observation

  • The observers didn’t registered a single fact of breaking the package with test papers the day before the EIT. So, the staff of the testing points had no access to the contents;
  • In 16% of testing points the graduates were late for testing and couldn’t take part in it;
  • In 12% of the testing points the staff and the instructors used the cell phones during the tests. This is the procedure violation hence it may cause the information leakage of the tasks. Only the UCEQE delegate and the responsible for TP has the right to use cell phones;
  • The observers in Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Vinnytsya regions registered multiple cases of graduates’ certificate absence. But, if  in the mentioned regions the graduates were punished according to the procedures – they weren’t allowed to pass EIT – then in Cherkasy (school # 31) those who hadn’t the certificate were allowed to pass EIT. This fact reveals the occasional usage of the equality principles and the procedural requirements of the testing.


Violation of the procedure was recorded in Kuznetsovsk school № 1 (Rivne).The on-duties couldn’t begin the admission of the graduates at a certain time to the school building. So they had to do it in the last minute before the test without verification of documents. An authorized person that was present at this testing point didn’t give an opportunity to fulfill their legitimate duty and Import this information into the protocol. The Rivne office prepared an appeal addressed to the Director of the UCEQE about the impedion of work of observers.

To the testing point, which is located at the Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technology (Melitopol), some students could not get in time. The reason for delay was the major test by SAI for the local carriers. Most taxis in the city are illegal and they did not leave on schedule at work, and test participants who were not prepared for such force majeure could not appear on the testing spot at a specified time. However, for those students who were late for 5 or 10 minutes was an exception and they participated in testing. 

In the Mykolayiv School number 50, the on-duty did not allow public observers to the testing room. He demanded an unknown document entitled: "napravleniye".Although the problem was resolved in favor of an observer, it’s a shame that some organizers were not sufficiently knowledgeable in the procedures.

In testing points in Vinnytsia the guards use metal detectors, and it was previously known by the graduates. Everyone who comes from audiences is checked for the mobile phones and other technical devices. This makes a very positive effect on discipline.

In the secondary school № 4 in Colomyya the applicants who have completed work on the tasks were carrying mobile phones and used them freely at the point of testing. In the audience number 19 the instructor also abused this. Her phone called twice  (at 12:15 and 12:57). She left the audience to answer the call.More than once in the audience, watched by activists of OPORA, one could hear sounds of ringtones from corridors.

In  Ivano-Frankivsk (secondary school number 21) 7 instructors didn’t appear on the testing for unknown reasons. However, the replacement was found quickly and is in no way affected the course of testing. 

Contact  person:
Olha Ajvazovska
+38 063 617 97 50
+38 044 286 26 70

Note: Observations are in the national EIT monitoring campaign with the assistance of the Alliance of Program to assist in independent testing in Ukraine (USETI Legacy Alliance).

To the media!
After calling on the hotline number of the organization (044) 225 32 81, you can get expert help or report the abuse. OPORA hopes that it will help to protect the rights of those students who wish honestly get a student ID. If you want to be our media partner and place a banner of free telephone hotline, please let us know at [email protected]. For his part, OPORA will always be ready to provide you with the latest information on monitoring IET or admissions, to help prepare informational material, place a banner of socially responsible media on its website