Today, on June 2, the observers of CN OPORA will monitor the first session of independent external evaluation of the Ukrainian language and literature in 17 regions of Ukraine. The testing on this subject will be held for 3 days.

Representatives of OPORA will provide public control on 40% of testing points, each of which will be attended by two observers. The public will not only assess the quality of preparation and conducting external testing locally, but also is ready to help the graduates to make appeals about violations of procedure, if such incidents are recorded. We remind that the participants may submit the application without coming out of testing point in which there will be neither parents nor lawyers. At the same time, future applicants should know that in case of procedural violations, which could adversely affect the quality of the work of the EIT, the applicant may request to re-pass the subject.

Future entrants, starting from 11:00 will have 180 minutes to perform tasks. The results of external testing in all subjects will be notified by 14 July.

On June 2 147,331 future entrants will be the participants of test in Ukrainian language and literature, on June 3 - 141 879, June 4 - 144 307. Overall 433,517 people plan to test their knowledge of Ukrainian language and literature.

The objective of CN OPORA is impartial evaluation of the charge of the testing, the instructors, the regular testing and recording of possible violations as the test participants, and administration. Preliminary operational report of the observations will be made public after 15:30, on  June, 2.

Media, which, for technical reasons, will not receive a report via email, can see the results of observation on the official site of OPORA.

Please contact for further information or comments.

Olha Ayvazovska
+ 38 063-617-97-50
+ 38 044-286-26-70

Note: Observations are maintained in the national campaign of EIT monitoring, whose participants are OPORA and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, with the assistance of International Fund "Renaissance", the Alliance Program to assist in independent testing in Ukraine (USETI Legacy Alliance) and the Project "Unite for reform" (UNITER).